Wrapping Up The School Year
Howdy and hello, friends! Merry soon to be Christmas! Of course I am posting this once again a week into the new month while covering the last one! I feel equipped to minister to students, but sometimes feel so forgetful of these important tasks, like sharing good news with you all! Thankful for you, your patience, and your prayers. We are coming on up on finals, so the school year is coming to a close. We celebrated with a Christmas party with both our UTA and TCC students together. Say hello to Waldo!! (p.s. Emily is ecstatic) A friend of mine on staff created this graphic to help explain some of our commonly used jargon in ministry. Our theme for the party was Christmas in Hawaii, so there was lots of great decorations, outfits, and themed snacks. Where so much of my job is meeting with students one on one, and having pretty serious conversations about life, scripture, and sins, I find that these celebrations do a great job of forming relationships and making memories. God change