Fishing For Fish, Before Fishing For Men
Howdy and Hello! It’s just about the end of the summer. Very soon I will be back on campus, meeting new students, hosting cores, and sharing the Good News of Jesus. Colton shared at TNF why his fellow students should consider giving to this ministry. He did a great job casting the vision of what God is doing through this ministry and shared about our friendship. We finished our Summer FOCUS series last week. I always love hearing sermons from my fellow campus pastors, especially the ones from different campuses, since I don’t get to hear them much. If you’d like to listen, check out our Spotify link. My friend, Rhett, spoke about how God takes our hearts from a place of Apathy to Care for those around us. Definitely worth a listen. Click Here for the Sermons In this short summer, I have been inspired more than ever to dive deep into personal relationship with our loving Father, because of the way Rhett expresses his deep need for God. I have been praying a lot this sum