
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Power of His Holy Word

Howdy and Hello, Friends!       October is upon us, and I get to share with you an update from September. A theme that God has made so prevalent this month is the power of His Holy Word. I'm talking Scripture, The Bible, Old and New Testament. It is obviously something any Christian should care about and invest time in, but I have found our ministry and students really heating up the value of having the Word written on our hearts.  Our first PRoS. 35 students and pastors reading Galatians on a Thursday night till 10pm. It was a blast      One way we have been heating this value up is through the most simple means: reading together! I am hosting a weekly Public Reading of Scripture (PRoS) every Thursday from 12pm-2pm on campus. Students come, they read along and listen, and afterwards we discuss what stood out.       So many young Christians nowadays know very little of the Bible and the numbers always seem to be decreasing, esp...