
Showing posts from December, 2023

Time Flies When You're Making Memories

Core of 87      Thanksgiving has just passed and I find myself once again near the end of the semester just in awe of God and what He does. First off, thank you to all of my ministry partners. I don't get to be here on campus, speaking the Word to young men without your faithfulness and generosity.       When I think about how your investment is affecting the Kingdom, I think about Mauricio who went from on the fence to leading others to Christ this year. I think about Andrew, who was hotheaded and quick tempered, coming to our Bible study more humble each week, ready to learn. I think about Garrett, who previously let his girlfriend do all the talking for him, being one of the most proficient friends I see amongst freshmen. I get to meet with real people, and see real change in their lives, that lead to real change in other's lives. It has nothing to do with me being good. It has everything to do with God being good, me being faithful, and you being...