Fishing For Fish, Before Fishing For Men

    Howdy and Hello! It’s just about the end of the summer.  Very soon I will be back on campus, meeting new students, hosting cores, and sharing the Good News of Jesus. 

Colton shared at TNF why his fellow students should consider giving to this ministry. He did a great
job casting the vision of what God is doing through this ministry and shared about our friendship.

   We finished our Summer FOCUS series last week. I always love hearing sermons from my fellow campus pastors, especially the ones from different campuses, since I don’t get to hear them much. If you’d like to listen, check out our Spotify link. My friend, Rhett, spoke about how God takes our hearts from a place of Apathy to Care for those around us. Definitely worth a listen.

Click Here for the Sermons

In this short summer, I have been inspired more than ever to dive deep into personal relationship with our loving Father, because of the way Rhett expresses his deep need for God.

    I have been praying a lot this summer about our men’s side of the ministry. It often feels like young men are not interested in faith or group religion right now. Because of this, our men’s side has shrunk. And in this line of ministry, with students graduating every 4 years if not sooner, we can very quickly lose our community if we don’t build it up. 

    Thankfully it is not up to me or my fellow pastors to regulate who does and does not come through our community. Christ will grow or shrink us as he sees fit. And honestly, our upcoming men’s team is one of the healthiest I have seen in a long time. So join me in prayer over this next year, that God will connect us with young men who are thirsting for Christ and will serve him in leadership the coming years. 

The view God made each morning

    Austin, Rhett, and I put together a guy’s trip with some of the leaders for this year who were in town. We had never done one of these, but one of my very generous, loving, and familiar ministry partners allowed us to stay at their lake house. Our goal was to build up the unity of our upcoming leader's. If they can become a united group now, the new guys coming in this year will be all the more blessed and won over for Christ. 


Mauricio with his find

Fishing in the morning with Austin and Mauricio

Setting up breakfast with the boys

We got to swim, play pickle ball, fish, play board games, do devotionals, share meals, and a lot more in a very memorable weekend. The impact that trip had will be seen this semester as these young men serve their campus and Lord. Thank you again to those family friends! 

Escaping the Pickleball Court heat

The deer here are just too chill

This man of God brings so much stability to our ministry and church.
Thankful for how God is equipping and using, Austin.

Our theme for the year

    The last thing I wanted to share with you is our theme for the school year! It’s Between Two Worlds. The theme is meant to give our students a long term idea that we as pastors can speak about and help them think through during the school year. This theme covers ideas like the “already, but not yet” of eschatology. We are living in a time where Christ has won, but still wait for his return. But it also could speak to our difficult life as Christian’s, living in the world, but not trying to be influenced by it. It could also speak into the difficulty of being intercultural, balancing what faith means between two world views, like so many of our students have to face. 

    I worked with our team to make the design and color choices. It’s nice to work on art in ministry. If you’d like to purchase a shirt, it’s only $15, and a great conversation starter about what Christ is doing through your generosity.

Click Here To Get A Shirt

Thank you all so much!


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