Parenting, Prayers, and People We Have Yet To Meet


Bonnie's 1 month celebration. She was not very stoked.

    Bonnie is a bit older than a month now, because I have been so slow to write this blog! New parenting is wild but so sweet, so thank you for your patience.

    This is the last update from Summer, so no more slow blog updates. It is about to get really busy and really exciting. The beginning of the school year is the sowing season of ministry. It sees the most hours on campus, the most fervent prayers, and the most new faces. Pray for me, Emily, and our whole team of staff and students to have the energy, wisdom, joy, and love necessary to meet new students for Christ.

    I will be leading multiple pairings of our men leaders this upcoming year. It is a new role for me, one that I have been very eager to step into since I started back in 2021. Now that it is finally happening, I am feeling the pressure of wanting to give my guys the best I can. I know if I stick to the Spirit, the Word, and always point them to Jesus I will have given them my best. Pray for me as I continue to disciple these disciple making students.

Bonnie before her procedure

    Bonnie had to have a lip and tongue tie procedure. God is good and it appears to be healing up well. If you could pray for continued healing and for her to continue to put on healthy weight. It was a scary thing for Emily and I, one that has given me great pause and consideration for what is best for my child. In the grand scheme, it is a very minor and safe procedure, but it felt life threatening while it was happening. I pray for all parents making much tougher decisions for their children and watching their children face much tougher battles.

    As well, it gave me insight into the kind of pain God must feel for us as we face trials and tribulations. He is the God of the Psalms and He feels what we feel. He knows better than us all what it means to be human.

Our DFW staff for the year. Thank God for the workers in the field.

    We had our usual Fall staff retreat before getting back to the campus. God has really blessed me with this community and team of faithful friends and disciples. After much fellowship, worship, and teaching, I am as eager as ever to go share the Good News with new faces.

Cutie loves to smile when we're not looking, but I caught her.

Bonnie's first wedding! Congrats to Kyle and Emily.

Showing off the babies of our church. Love that Bonnie will grow up with these girls.

Little nugget on her playmat

Austin baptizing Josh

    I have two Good News updates that have little to do with me, but everything to do with Jesus:

    1. One of our upcoming student leaders, Josh, got baptized this past month. I have never met someone who so fervently wants to learn and know the truth. It has been so cool watching him go from a "God has nothing to do with my life" person to a "God, I give you my life" person. He is considering doing the apprenticeship with FOCUS next year after finishing his masters. So cool!

    2. Two of my coworkers from the larger FOCUS staff went on a short term mission trip to South Asia. They got to go from home to home in local towns and villages, sharing the Good News, answering and asking tough questions, and being models of faith to the townsfolk. I was so encouraged by Steven and Arianna's faithfulness to listen where God called them. I have some pictures below of them sharing.

Bonnie with her bestie.

Arianna and company having good but tough discussions about Jesus, good and evil, and humanity.

Steven sharing Jesus with a neighbor.

Steven and company praying over a family.

As always, thank you so much for your support and prayers!


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