
 February went by so fast, but I feel like I have not gotten to share with you all in a long time!

A graphic I made for our social media. Picture of our corefas and staff.

Ministry at TCC is going well! I am currently studying the Bible with 8 guys from TCC. Some of those are in a one on one setting, and I am actually meeting up every Wednesday with three of them at once. That group can be a little less consistent. So be praying that we can continue meeting. 

TCC Students getting boba together

We are getting to send a handful of students from TCC to SICM (The Student Institute of Campus Ministry) in May. This is a week long course taught in Bellingham, Washington by our good friends from Western, Washington University. This is a pretty intensive weeklong class that we send students wanting to lead to each year. They will learn a lot about how to disciple others, host small groups, and evangelize on a college campus. 

It is amazing enough that God has prepared a ministry like that up in Washington to help other College ministry's out with, but the fact that we have young college students eager to give part of their Summer to learn how to be a blessing for the Kingdom on their respective campuses is beautiful. God is really moving in the hearts and minds of the students in DFW as a whole, but specifically at TCC and UTA. 

I had the pleasure of inviting some of these students. My friend Hart, a freshman at UTA, was invited. He is eager to move from receiving the Good News of the Gospel, to learning how to share it himself. I also have two TCC students who are best friends coming. It is nice to see how God is developing them both into disciples through their friendship as the three of us study the Bible together.

I attended SICM my freshman year, and I am actively using the content I learned there every day in my job as a campus pastor. Even if I was to go into the work force, much of what I learned would help me be a disciple and friend to my coworkers and neighbors. 

Us returning from SICM my freshman year in 2016

There is of course a cost to travel up to Washington, so many of the students are fundraising currently. We as a ministry try to help them with this, and one big way is through Showcase, which happened this past Saturday. Showcase is a fundraiser we put on every year, where we get talent from our community to pool together and put on a wonderful night of performances. We also have people donate art and baked goods that we sell the night of. The event went really well and was a lot of fun. 

If you missed it, and would like to watch a stream of it, here is the link.


The video is at the bottom of the page. If you would like to donate and help send a student to SICM, you can do so on that page as well. You do not have to pay to watch.

Finally, I just want to thank you for your continued support. I am seeing God moving and maturing the students around me. I am also learning much more about myself and God's purposes for me while I am doing this. Most of you have never been a part of a campus ministry, so it means a lot to me that you would listen to how God has impacted my life through FOCUS, and be willing to invest in that vision for others. 

Someone you could be praying for is my dear friend, Honor Burns. She has been in the hospital since January after suffering from a stroke during a surgery. She lost a lot of cognitive function. God has been with her and her family throughout this grave ordeal, and she is healing, but it is a slow process. It will be many more months of healing if all goes correctly. Join me in praying over her and her family. 

Thank you for reading.


  1. Love these pics and stories!!! grateful for you and your ministry... God is at work.


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