March and My Plans For Next Year


Let's start with a reflection from this past year and my plans for the coming ones! God has grown me a lot through my time in FOCUS, but especially in this particular year of the Apprenticeship. I have learned so much about the Bible and the Holy Spirit through my classes. I have learned to manage my schedule and plan wisely through my peers and mentors. God has used many people, students and supervisors alike to grow me into a disciple of Christ. I have learned to love more, see people with more Grace, and to step out in faith in whatever God calls me to do. 

And what I think He is calling me to do is stay on staff with FOCUS for a couple of years. Right now, for at least three. God has been doing so many powerful things around me and adjacent to me while in this role. I want to remain faithful to our students at University of Texas at Arlington and to Tarrant County College, especially in these early years. Seeing that we just planted it, I think the friendships and connections I am making now will only become more fruitful in the coming years, and will only help in building up this community for success and longevity. Along with that, God has been growing me in my faith and fervor for Him. I want to continue to grow in this role of Campus Pastor till God has called me to another field where I could glorify Him just as well. 

Once again, I just want to thank everyone reading this and all those who have supported me. This year of transformation for students would not have been possible without your financial, emotional, and prayerful support. God is working through you to bless these students.

A group picture before Core this past Wednesday. So many fun students that God has connected us to.

TCC continues to grow as students invite their friends and classmates to hear the good news of Christ and His community here on campus. It is wild to look at this group of friends and Christians, knowing we were only planted last semester. We seem to have 1-2 new students a week. I am in one on one Bible studies with most of the guys, and am striving to get time with the rest. Thankful that I am struggling to make time for excited and faithful students, rather than struggling to get them interested in Christ and Community. Thankfully next year, I will have more time to give students, because I will be done with a majority of my classes! 

We are preparing both our TCC and UTA students for the discipleship trip, SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry). Sending a bunch of students to Washington is a tall order, but it produces so much fruit in their lives and in the lives of other's as our students come back to campus ready to serve the Kingdom as disciples. Pray that our students can continue to raise the money they need to come and that they will be ready to learn to the Lord's content in May :)

Recently, at UTA, I got to give another variation of My Gospel Sermon to our students. I had previously written this for our classes, and preached it to our staff. Now I was able to share it with our students at a TNF. I am continuing to grow in my preaching style and speaking skills, but God's News is too good for even me to mess up. I am thankful I am getting to share what I am learning with my community. Here's a photo I took of the audience while they journaled on a question I gave them that night.

A sweet memory for me. But zoom in and look at the many funny faces I captured as well!

That is about all I got to share with you for now, but here are many fun and funny photos of ministry moments this past month. 

My friend, Sarah, and I stuck on the opposite side of this train, keeping us from getting to our meeting in that building on time.

John, Randy, and I after TNF one week. Sweet guys that I am getting to disciple.

Over Spring Break, some of our students wanted to get together, so we ate together at the mall.

My dear friends, Katherine and Wilson after they got ENGAGED! These were pals of mine from Denton, and I just had to come down and celebrate God's union with them.

This is Eldrian from TCC. He performed Fly Me To The Moon at Showcase and rocked everyone's socks off. He is now co-leading a Bible study with me. God can raise students up so well. 

Doing outreach at TCC SE with some students and coworkers.


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