A Pilgrimage For Christ

Howdy and Hello!

    So excited to write to y'all again and share with you the exciting things happening out here at UTA and TCC for Christ. Most of this blog is about our large ministry trip to Bellingham, Washington for the student leadership conference called SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry). 

Colton, John, and I flying to Seattle. It was John's first flight. So brave.

Taking the Orca train to downtown Seattle with a bunch of students.

Big fan of these two. Excited to see them grow as young disciples.

Austin and I at the gum wall. Seattle is not very handicap friendly, but through determination and sweat, Austin and I got around.

Pike's Place is always a must to go visit.

    We do a lot of sight seeing in Seattle before heading to the conference for the rest of the week. It helps our students form relationships with one another and create strong memories and bonds. 

Lunch with some students in Seattle.

Taking my exhausted boys back to the hotel.

Whatcom Falls is a gorgeous place to visit. Highly recommend.

FOCUS sent around 120 students from across its many campuses to SICM. These students sat in classes from Monday through Friday, 9-5, learning how to host small groups, evangelize, read scripture well, listen to the Holy Spirit, and many more insightful classes. Each day, I got to go back to our host families and ask Colton and John what they learned that day, what was sticking out the most.

John in the forest of Mt. Ranier

Steven and I half way up Mt. Rainier. So thankful to serve God with fellow pastors like him.

Ryan Bristow was my mentor in FOCUS when I was a student. Now I get to serve with him from two different campuses. I pray that a few of the young men I am discipling now I will get to serve along side in the future. What a joy that would be.

So thankful for my friendship with Colton. He is so faithful to ministry and others. Pray that he continues to grow in boldness and curiosity.

Love my wife. Us at Larabee State Park.

Got a bit of Pegi Sue in me. Couldn't help getting in the water.

Our "classroom" for the week. So thankful to Hillcrest Church for letting us learn and worship in their space.

All of our students and all of CCF's students at a worship night.

Another great joy of these trips are the connections we get to form with our friends in Washington. This is the Roeter family. They hosted John, Colton, and I all week for free. They fed us, housed us, entertained, sought to know us. They were so generous and fun to be with. Praying for them and their boys. Pray that their sons grow up strong in their faith and can learn from their parent's model.

Dinner at home with the Roeters. Dan made excellent Steak.

They took us to a mountain biking park. There were hills and ramps and it was wild.

The last update is a very touching one for me. My dear friend, Kyle Hanson (who is also a wonderful artist you should look up and buy from), GOT BAPTIZED!!! AND I GOT TO DO IT WITH HIM!

One of my new favorite photos.

We studied the Bible together back in 2020. Since then we both graduated and moved away from Denton. Now we are back together, going to the same church. And he has been studying the Bible with our new friend, Dylan. We love to see disciples making disciples. Well as they studied, Dylan felt compelled to get baptized, and Kyle in turn realized he would like to as well. 

Kyle and I immediately after baptizing him, inviting others to jump in.

Praying and convening after the Baptism.

This was super exciting and an awesome way to start the Summer. Thank you for reading, praying, and supporting me in ministry. 

Please be praying for our students to have a healthy Summer, that they might be ready to go out and make disciples in the Fall. Pray over Emily and I, and the rest of our staff, that we might meet our fiscal needs through fundraising this Summer. And please be praying for our friend, Andrea's mom Vicky. She has a lot of cancer throughout her body. We are praying for miraculous health and healing, for peace, and for pain relief. Thank you all!


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