Rest and Rehyrdration

     Howdy and Hello!!! It has been so long, or at least feels that way. Summer has been underway for a bit now and I have been loving it,

    God gives us a bit of a break over the Summer. Most students are home, or working. So our staff takes time to fundraise, reconnect with God intentionally, and physically rest before the upcoming school year. 

Worship with over 300 students from across DFW. What an awesome experience.

    Our biggest gathering takes place every Thursday in the Summer though. We host a service every Thursday at Care Church each Summer. The sermons have been about how Jesus' Good News brings us from one way of life to another. So in two weeks, Emily is preaching about "From Loneliness to Belonging", and another pastor friend of mine did "From Death to Life". 

    I love this event cause we get to stay connected with local students and encourage a myriad of different ways for them to grow in their faith over the Summer. I was part of a team that formed new small groups we call "2:42's". The name comes from Acts 2:42, which describes the habits and practices of the earliest church. So students of 3-4 will meet, read scripture, pray for one another, disciple one another and confess to one another, and share a meal! Our students have really loved it.

Doing announcements at Summer FOCUS

    One student I have been getting to study the Bible with is my friend, Israel! He is from the Congo, and Mexico, so he speaks English, Spanish, French, and I am pretty sure a fourth language. He has been a joy to meet with and talk Jesus with. Be praying that he can move from someone who is studied with to somebody that studies with others. I could see him being such a force for Christ in the coming years. Also earlier today during our study, a stranger walked up to us to introduce himself. His name was Josias and he was so excited to meet other Christians on campus. He sat in on the rest of our study and we got to encourage him as he encouraged us. Pray that whether FOCUS, or one of the other ministries on TCC campus, that Josias continues to strive for Jesus and get plugged in.

    With the rest of my time, I have been meeting with students, going on vacation, or meeting with old friends and family. So the rest of this blog will mostly be photos of these various things. Thank you so much for your support through prayer and partnership!

Such good news and great things to pray for!

A house show my friends put on. Bekwele was my roommate in college and one of my oldest friends in serious faith

Emily and I went to Glenrose with some friends and Waldo!
It was so restful.

We got to see Waldo's wild nature with water and the elements.

Resting on the grass with my dear friend, Kyle.
Thankful for such a good guy in my life.

Some gators we got to feed in Arkansas.

Emily wrestled this one for a picture.

It is crazy how many critters God makes and takes care of.

Waldo is one of those very critters. Been super fun to have a dog and take care of something with Emily.


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