A Gift From God: Bonnie Is Born


Howdy and Hello!

One of my favorite photos forever

    Our little family of two has become three. Bonnie was born earlier this month. She came about two weeks earlier than expected after Emily had some high blood pressure and the doctor decided to induce her. 

    It was not what we were expecting, but God has been so kind to us through this whole experience: both in the smoothness and health of delivery and through our families and friends. We have never felt so supported.

    This blog will have little update on ministry and will rather be a reflection of gratitude and praise towards Abba. 

My new phone wallpaper. Little Potato.

Emily has been such a trooper and I love supporting her

Such a special girl

    Bonnie's delivery was swift and with the blessing of an epidural much less painful. She had pooped in the womb, so the NICU Nurses were immediately brought in to check her. She had some strange breathing, but all vitals looked good otherwise. To be safe though, we were monitored in the NICU for 6 hours before being released to our room.

    She has taken fast to eating well, sleeping long, and being adorable. Everyone who asks how she is doing I tell them she is as easy a baby as I could imagine. We are still exhausted as you would imagine, so please pray for Emily as we continue on these short cycles of feeding. 

Her 4th of July outfit provided by some close friends

Lolly and Pops with their grandaughter

    Our families have been so amazing to us. Most of my praises to God are for making me the son of Pegi and Joe and the son in law to Jim and Val. As well, we have been so supported by our church and friends. Soooooooo much food is in our fridge and in our bellies.

    One of my favorite things so far about being a father is sharing my daughter with those who have loved us. She is such a blessing to us, and I love seeing our dear friends light up with her. We are being thoughtful about crowds and germs, but let's be honest, Emily and I are too extroverted to keep her all to ourselves. And honestly, I think that is how God wants it for us.

Uncle Garrett

So sweet of God to allow William to be randomly in town when Bonnie came

Beaming with my little girl

    Like I always try to do in these blogs, I just want to thank you all so much for your support. I trust God with my life, my career, and my daughter, but fears of providing will always sneak in. I am truly blessed to get to serve His Kingdom doing what I feel called and getting to raise a beautiful daughter of Christ at the same time. It is through your generosity that I get to share Jesus with so many young college students and develop into the father Bonnie will need to learn to love Christ.

Sophie is such a good friend and support. Eager for Bonnie to know her.

Waldo has been so gentle and curious with her.

Mauricio and Laurel meeting the goofiest girl

All the aunt's taking turns holding her

Peepaw getting his turn. He is a man after God's own heart and he is so excited about Bonnie.

Emily's first meal after delivery

Shading baby girl's eyes from the heat lamp

William and I freaking out before delivery

So many friends came to visit both before and after. We were the envy of every pregnant mother.

    Please be praising God for our little blessing and praying that she continues to grow healthy to know the Lord. Pray for Emily and I have to have energy and wisdom as we love our little girl. And please be praying for my return to ministry this Fall as new students arrive. Pray that my new identity and role as a father encourages and pushes me to love students better, and not to be absent minded. And pray that I never ever get absent minded with my little girl in the face of ministry. 

God you can carry us through all things. Praise you!!!

Here are some other updates to throw in:

1. Pray for my brother, Vincent. He has had some neurological complications resulting in some scary nerve damage in his feet and hands. Pray the doctors can figure out the problems and treat him and for his spirit to find comfort in God.

2. Summer Focus started back in early June, and has been going smoothly. I have helped with a couple fun after events, one being a talent show-esque night that was very memorable, and the other being a smash bros game night.

3. If you have time, please consider visiting the Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas. Emily and I went on our honeymoon and it was such a sweet experience. There is such thoughtful and evocative work centered around our scriptures and our Lord.

Visiting Vincent at the hospital. He was there for a week and a half for testing.

Poetry competition after Summer Focus. They were all weird and wonderful.

A beautiful print from a series of Old Testament stories created by Marc Chagall.
This is Moses and the Ten Commandments


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